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Extending Project Online and on-premises with JavaScript Apps Part 3
In this final part of the series we're going to complete the holiday sync app by importing the selected calendar exceptions into Project Server. We'll start from where we finished up in Part 2 with our app loading data from both existing project server calendars and...
HolidaySync v1.0.0.0 is out
Holiday Sync is an App which allows the importing of public holidays from an online source, this app was developed for Project Conference 2014 to showcase JavaScript, read more about it here: Extending Project Online and on-premises with JavaScript Apps Version...
Extending Project Online and on-premises with JavaScript Apps Part 2
Following on from Part 1 of this series in which we setup our Holiday Sync app solution in Visual Studio including all pre-requisites, we now have a basic app web page looking the part and containing all controls functioning but without any actual data. In this next...
Extending Project Online and on-premises with JavaScript Apps Part 1
This is the first part of a three part series on extending project online / on-prem using JSOM, see this post for an index of all three parts to this as I write them. Part 1: Getting started creating the Holiday Sync App Let's begin with a user story: I want to import...
Exploring REST Endpoints couldn’t be easier!
One of the best takeaways from ProjConf 2014 in my opinion was this gem by Chris Givens from Architecting Connected Systems: Basically if you are working with the CSOM, JSOM or REST client side APIs for Project Server...
Overview: Extending Project Online and on-premises with JavaScript Apps
7/02 Updated this post to become an index of my session posts: At Project conference 2014 in Anaheim I will be presenting a session on extending Project Online & on-premises functionality using JavaScript in the new world of 2013 Apps, if you can't be there to see...
Bulk Edit
Holiday Sync
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