by Martin Laukkanen | Jul 6, 2014 | Misc
It’s something I’ve wanted to do for sometime now, but finally found the time and resources to do it! Have a look around the new modern design (I guess that’s not actually modern-ui, meh?) and please let me know if you find something that doesn’t work! :)
by Martin Laukkanen | Dec 18, 2013 | Project 2013
The nice thing about Microsoft’s new continuous improvement / upgrade work on Project Online is the occasional new feature that pops up unannounced, like this:

The ellipsis next to each project name in Project Center opens a dialog as you can see showing some handy project summary information including a progress bar. Neat.
Not sure when this appeared, no doubt sometime in the last few months, but my guess is that those of us not using Project Online will have to wait until Service Pack 1 to see it!
by Martin Laukkanen | Nov 14, 2013 | Apps, ConfigTool
I’ve been a bit quiet over here the last couple of months while I’ve been working on my next App for Project Server, I’m just putting the final touches on it now so I thought it’s worth a post with some preliminary information!
One of the great challenges when working in the Cloud is the lack of full access to the back-end, i.e. databases, that along with fact that Administrative Backup and Restore has been disabled on Project Online, leaves us poor Admins and Consultants with few options when it comes to the normal day-to-day configuration, change management and deployment.
There is one company out there with a solution to this (which I quite like actually), but I found myself wanting something much simpler as 90% all I want to do is copy or restore a bunch of fields to a new customer instance (and don’t want to have to go through IT to get some software installed locally, etc etc).
So, here’s my solution to this problem;
Config Tool

Config Tool is a configuration management tool for Project Server enabling the backup, migration and restoration of PWA configurations between farms or project instances.
Config Tool is designed to be simple to use and easy to install on any Project Server deployment with the App Store, to enable the quick and easy backup, restore and migration of configuration between instances.
In the same vein keeping things simple means that the initial version will support only; Enterprise Custom Fields and Lookup Tables, Workflow Stages and Phases and EPTs. With more features to come in the future including PDPs, resources and so on.
Release Information
Config Tool will be available through the SharePoint App store in the coming days / weeks so keep watch this blog for the release announcement.
For now you can see some screenshots and read some more about the full features of Config Tool here on the draft product info page.