While diving deeper into the SharePoint 2010 PowerShell command-lets I realised that my last blog using a borrowed script based on 2007 was in need of a major update for 2010, so see here a version doing the same thing but with no use of STSADM (and thus no need to run as admin in 2008).


#WarmUp2.ps1 - Enumerates all web sites in web applications in a 2010
# SharePoint farm and opens each in a browser.
#-"get-webpage" function borrowed from:
# http://kirkhofer.wordpress.com/2008/10/18/sharepoint-warm-up-script/
#-Running on machine with WSS/MOSS 2010 installed
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$extrasitelistfile = 'c:ToolsWarmupwarmup-extrasites.txt'
function get-webpage([string]$url,[System.Net.NetworkCredential]$cred=$null)
  $wc = new-object net.webclient
  if($cred -eq $null)
    $cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
  $wc.credentials = $cred;
  return $wc.DownloadString($url);
#This passes in the default credentials needed. If you need specific
#stuff you can use something else to elevate basically the permissions.
#Or run this task as a user that has a Policy above all the Web
#Applications with the correct permissions
$cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
#$cred = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username","password","machinename")
$apps = get-spwebapplication -includecentraladministration
foreach ($app in $apps) {
  $sites = get-spsite -webapplication $app.url
  foreach ($site in $sites) {
    write-host $site.Url;
    $html=get-webpage -url $site.Url -cred $cred;
# Warm up other sites specified in warmup-extrasites.txt file (such as SSRS)
if (test-path $extrasitelistfile) {
  $extrasites = get-content $extrasitelistfile
  foreach ($site in $extrasites) {
    write-host $site;
    $html=get-webpage -url $site -cred $cred;

The script still retrieves a list of all sites in all web applications in the farm (including Central Admin) and additionally retrives a list of sites in a text file by default located in “C:ToolsWarmupwarmup-extrasites.txt”

Share and Enjoy !
