Reply To: fail after mass import

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Martin Laukkanen

Hi Brandon,

Can I get you to try a couple of things to investigate this?

1. Have you previously installed any apps on the PWA / SharePoint farm? Bulk Publish or my Holiday Sync are a couple of other free apps that are available for PWA.

2. If you open Site Contents and locate the App tile there, does it open?

I have seen an issue where the ribbon icon fails to work due to caching issues, basically both the Internet Explorer cache and / or the SharePoint server cache caches the ribbon buttons and if you reinstall Bulk Edit it can take some time for that to update. Try item 2 above to confirm and try to clear your IE cache on your computer.

Also have a look at this:, in particular at the bottom where I have a few pointers about items to check in your farm when errors occur.
