Updating/Refreshing Options in Custom Field

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    • #110278
      Charles Seese

      Hi All!

      Anyone have tips on how the Bulk Edit tool updates the dropdown options for custom fields?

      When I add a new option to a dropdown field, that option does not appear in the Bulk Edit tool, only the original options exist.

      Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?


    • #110302
      Charles Seese

      Solved it myself, but adding the solution here for history:

      In order to force a refresh of the data inside a custom field, you need to remove the field from your view(same way you add new fields to the view), and then re-add it.

      To be extra cautious, I removed, applied that removal, then went in and added it again, and applied. That was enough to bring in the fields I was looking for.

      Also, it had been more than 24 hours since I added the new option, not sure of any delay that might occur there.

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