This is a nice new feature caught my eye this week; Task Pane Apps. What are they you say? Well a picture often is better than a thousand words:


(Picture source:

The Product Guide is BACK!

As you can see in the image something that looks a lot like the good old Project Guide of 2003 / 2007 (hidden but still around in 2010) has returned, only now it is far more usable.

What’s new? Why does this excite me so?

The screenshot shows a view of the open project compared with Project Server data, and this is why I’m excited, not by what is shown but through the potential to deliver PDP like web content to the MS Project Client. Link this with the Demand Management workflow and contextual governance information, and you’ve finally got a compelling solution to to the gap between SharePoint based PDP’s and MS Project client where admit it most PM’s still spend all their time.

Good riddance to the useless old Project Information page!

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