Overview: Extending Project Online and on-premises with JavaScript Apps
7/02 Updated this post to become an index of my session posts:
At Project conference 2014 in Anaheim I will be presenting a session on extending Project Online & on-premises functionality using JavaScript in the new world of 2013 Apps, if you can’t be there to see it or just want to learn more I’m going to do a full write-up here over the next couple of weeks including posting the full source of the of my demo app: the Project Server Holiday Sync app!
In my session I’m going to dive deep into a practical example of extending out-of-the-box functionality with Apps specifically when using SharePoint hosted apps written completely in JavaScript. What I really want to share is how it is possible to solve common challenges with minimal effort once you get the basic scaffolding you need in place.
Here I’ll break this full write-up down into three parts so make sure to check back here over the coming week(s) as they are posted:
- Part 1: Getting started creating the Holiday Sync App
- Part 2: Getting data into our Holiday Sync App
- Part 3: Importing data into Enterprise Calendars from our App
For those of you who will be at Project Conf next week, add #PC403 to your calendar on Wednesday (http://www.msprojectconference.com/SessionDetail.aspx?id=12821) and make sure to come say hello!